Wednesday, October 13, 2021


TRU 2 U 

                                                                                                              coming of age movie examples:

For our film we considered a coming-of-age comedy featuring a teenage girl finding her way in life through hardships of friendship and love. Set in a secondary school in surrey, the film follows our protagonist Lara's journey of self discovery.  Lara– a shy, awkward teenage girl discovers the hard way that there’s more to life than popular boys and superficiality. After undergoing a makeover by popular girl Becca, Lara receives attention like she has never received before. The odd-looking outsider transforms from an ‘ugly duckling into a beautiful swan’ with the assistance of her ‘friend’ who later becomes jealous and resentful of the ‘new beautiful and cool Lara’ that she has created as her minion. Audiences ask here ‘is this the real her?’, relaying the idea that people do not need to change in order to fit into societal norms. Lara in turns learns that these people are not her real friends – only on the surface. After losing who she once was, Lara eventually learns the meaning of true friendship and true self-worth and self-identity through discovering her own image and voice. Our film portray the important theme of of growing up and moving from one part of your life to the next that every audience can relate to. 

1 comment:

  1. Excellent evidence of planning: clear ideas about genre, creative interpretation, striking film name. You have researched the 'coming of age' genre well.



LAURA SOUTER 1860 I worked with Tallulah Duffy 1823 and Fia Brown 1804 We created a promotion package for a new film, which includes two tra...