Friday, September 10, 2021


 The FDA resource 'Teaching Trailers' suggests that marketing campaigns and film trailers should offer audiences new experiences to make their film stand out whilst still signalling a specific genre in order to help audiences chose if the film is of their interest. The idea of a film presenting a fresh and different idea is know as the unique selling point (USP).

Given three trailers, I identified what was the USP in each: 

Lion King

USP - Film consists of only talking animals and offers extremely high quality and realistic animation.

Late Night

USP - Film consists of star talents, Mindy Kaling and Emma Thompson with the main focus being on women and feminism.

In Disguise

USP - Film consists of extremely well known stars within the industry, Will Smith and Tom Holland. High quality animation is also present.

1 comment:

  1. You have made good use of the FDA's 'Teaching Trailers' resource which in this unit explained that audiences like to recognise genre when they watch a trailer, but that in order to attract audiences into the cinema, all films should offer a USP. The task asked you to identify the USP of three films



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