Friday, September 17, 2021


Its important to release a film at a time where it will generate mass success. This is often achieved by considering the time of year. For example, horror/thriller films are most likely to excel in October for the widely celebrated holiday Halloween is celebrated here. This connection will therefore draw upon a wider range of audiences for audiences will want to watch scary films during this holiday period. Similarly,  Mumma Mia did extremely well because of its release in mid July 2018, for the setting and the themes presented within this film can be described as summery. Romantic films in February, Easter films in March etc. A films release date - and month - determine how successful a film will be and how well it will be received by audiences. 

Case studies: 

Toy Story 4
- the last sequel - was released in the summer to appeal to a wide audience.
As it is a sequel, audiences know what kind of conventions they should expect. The positive imagery spoken within the trailer: 'it's all gonna be alright',  'make happy memories' aligns itself with what Disney is famous for: family time, coming together, supporting each other. 

Summer is a perfect time to release a feel good family film which features a summer holiday. As it is released during the summer holidays, this allows for families to visit the cinema and enjoy the experience together. The trailer depicts summery scenes of a fun fair: 'schools out' sort of feeling, which is relatable for children.

Lastly, the song 'God Only Knows' by the beach boys used within the trailer is upbeat and feel good and reminds parents of their own summers when they were younger. This therefore is engaging for older audiences, not solely for the young children demographic. 

The Brink:  

The genre is political which is a main talking point. The film includes real footage which makes it feel more real – this can be described as the USP of the film. Audiences who are interested in the subject will want to become more knowledgeable through watching the film which offers an insight into the truth of the events .The film offers behind the scene footage/unseen evidence which is intriguing to many people. 

This films target audience would be adults because is the subject matter requires existing knowledge of politics and secondly because it is heavy and covers mature themes. The film targets a right wing audience. The film offers big politicians such as Nigel Farage, Piers Morgan, Steve Bannon so allows for audiences to identity with the leaders they support. The films release time is important for it was soon after the elections. This is a successful idea for the election will still be spoken of frequently and prominent to audiences. 

Audiences will love this film because of the iconic music of the Beatles which people love and adore. The target demographic is wide, for older generations will enjoy the music they have grown up to love, as well as younger adults who listen to the Beatles music even today. The USP of this film is 'a new take on the Beatles' which is an interesting idea and will spark interest. 
The film has a 'summer feel' because of the music concerts and the festival vibe depicted within the trailer which involves audiences and makes us feel like we are partaking. Audiences who themselves take part in festivals - Reading, Boardmasters - will identify with these scenes. The blue skies, sea etc remind us of summer and the film is therefore cleverly brought out during summer to create the mass revenue. 

Written by the makers of Love Actually, audiences are also promised comedy. This is clearly shown in the trailer through the short dialogue at the end: 'Hey Jude are you sure?' - 'Yes much better'. As well as the drama which is presented through the romantic relationship between the protagonist and Lily James, comedy creates light relief and is important in drawing an audience into cinemas. Famous actress Lily James alongside extremely famous guest actors Ed Sheeran and James cordon creates 'buzz' from already adoring fans who will continue to support them by watching the film 'Yesterday'. Lots of attention can be generated through a star cast. 


  1. TOY STORY You show good understanding that a sequel has a pre-sold audience and you comment thoughtfully on the appeal of Disney's brand values as well as identifying the 'school's out' quality of the film.
    YESTERDAY Good analysis of the broad appeal of the film across several age groups, based on the music of the iconic Beatles, the promise of comedy and the star power of James, Sheeran and Cordon.
    THE BRINK not analysed.

  2. THE BRINK Sound reasoning regarding the timing of release for this film with its political background and its 'fly on the wall' style. You understand this film in its political context.



LAURA SOUTER 1860 I worked with Tallulah Duffy 1823 and Fia Brown 1804 We created a promotion package for a new film, which includes two tra...