Tuesday, September 7, 2021


In researching film trailers, FDA's Teaching  Trailers online course taught me about how signifant Film Trailers are in the marketing and distribution of a film. We looked at 'Booksmart' as a case study which we used to analyse its effects. 

During my first year of A Level Media Studies I studied The Film Industry and was taught about Hollywood Majors, Low budget independent films and British films. Each film has a unique marketing campaign to engage a specific target audience: mainstream, prestige, grassroots. Every marketing campaign will cover many different aspects so that the film's 'message' will reach potential audiences. 

1. What do you think are the major elements of a film marketing campaign?

For example: Captain Marvel. This film attracts a mainstream family audience. This is achieved through the film website which had a convergent hub at the top of the page with convergent links. This technology creates an interactive platform between the text producer and the audience. 

 2. Where might you expect to see each of the different parts of the marketing campaign?

- campaigns in cinemas

- television (teaser trailer, main trailer)

- social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. 

- online websites: convergent links to other social media networking platforms. 

- the use of 'influencers' to promote the film and encourage their follows and fans to watch the film. 

- other ways include: TV chat shows, newspapers, reports and fetures; PDA (posters, fleet media, cinema lobby posters) 

These techniques are all used to create a successful marketing campaign

3. What factors make you want to go and see a film? How do you decide which films to see?

The use of influences with social media are important factors for me because I use social media platforms everyday. Social media is the sole place where I will find myself  being pushed and persuaded to watch a film. I watch films if they are well received and reviewed by critics, or if people's opinion I respect tell me that they have enjoyed it. This is what will convince me to watch/stream certain films.

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LAURA SOUTER 1860 I worked with Tallulah Duffy 1823 and Fia Brown 1804 We created a promotion package for a new film, which includes two tra...